Client and Freelance is One
Client and Freelance is One
 1. Organizing Task Force
   Teamed the Person(s) in Charge of Business With
   Planner, Designer, Programmer, Server Operator
 2. Cooperation in Each Procedural Step  
  1) Co-Plan with Design
      Site Navigation, User Interface
  2) Co-Design with Program
      Detailed User Interface, its Applied Scripts(Javascript,ASP,PHP,JSP)
  3) Co-Program with DB Architecture
      SQL & its Tuning
  4) Site Capacity-leveled IDC Service
      Suitable Choice of Hosting Service for Client's Request
      Server Hosting(Purchase, Setting) Consulting
 3. Alpha.Beta Test & Simulation Before Launching)
  1) Alpha Test at the 1st Stage Done
      - Initially Planned & Made
  2) Beta Test at the Middle Stage
      - Opinion Reflected & Modified by a Few Real User(s) & Specialist(s)
  3) Simulation at the Final Stage
     - Finally Updated through Common Users' Reputation
 4. * There's No 100% Satisfactory Site at First Sight, so Maintenance is a Must
   Each Person, Each Customer, Each Specialist & Each Satisfaction
   Long-Life Maintenance Should be For the Following
  1) Integrity : Characteristic for its Own
  2) Merchantability : Keeping up with Current & Future Market
  3) Community : Live Communication Between Users

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